Quark Thanks to one of our support group leaders for introducing me to Quark (also pronounced kvark). You’ve never heard of it? Well, me neither until Kristin brought it to my attention. If you like yogurt you might want to give Quark a try. It is new to us but northern Europeans have been eating ...
Your weight has changed but all you see is a number on the scale. That number doesn’t show you the whole picture. If you’ve had weight loss surgery with us, we measured your body composition (body fat, lean body tissue, and water) before surgery. If you haven’t been back for a repeat measurement since surgery ...
This recipe for zucchini lasagna comes from patient, Jana Duplantis. Jana has applied her love for cooking to preparing healthier meals. If you are a more recent postop, this recipe is suitable for the soft food stage of the diet progression. I’ve calculated the nutrition information for you to make it easier for recording. Jana’s ...
In July 2014 program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill, committed to do a weekly challenge for a year to improve their health and lifestyle. Vicki and Bill decided to tackle a variety of challenges to eat better, eat more mindfully, and improve physical health and emotional well-being because there is always room for ...
Don’t let cold weather be an excuse. Fitness doesn’t take time off for bad weather. Develop a plan if the weather is too cold or snowy. You can walk around the mall or around your house. If you are sitting, simply lift your legs up and down like you are walking while seated. If you ...
BFF Café Finally!! Reno has a healthy place where you can dine in or take-out their fuel packs. I love, love this place. My husband, Bill, and I have been eating at least two dinners and two lunches a week from BeFit Foods since they opened several ...
I was teaching a post-op class Back to Basics and we were discussing the importance of physical activity to prevent weight regain. One of the group members stated she was getting up 30 minutes earlier to fit exercise into her day. She was experiencing the feeling we know all too well, “Ugh. I don’t want ...
You know the traditional version of the 12 Days of Christmas song. “On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” This year we’re rewriting the 12 Days to practice self-care. Self –care includes actions you take upon yourself to take care of you emotionally, physically, and mentally. Practicing self-care helps you ...
It’s a lot easier to eat your vegetables when you prepare them to bring out their flavor. Roasting them lets you taste the vegetables, and not some sauce to cover them up. Vegetables contain natural sugars and the roasting brings out that delicious caramelization that tastes so good. You will want to choose vegetables that ...
Your stomach/pouch doesn’t know it’s a holiday. It’s that time of the year when food becomes much too plentiful for most of us. Our eyes see all the temptations and our brain tells us to eat. But your stomach/pouch doesn’t know what day it is and it doesn’t care. Pay more attention to what your ...