
Brain Health and Exercise

There are tons of benefits to physical activity. Along with a balanced diet, it can lead to better heart health and weight loss. But what about the brain? Recent studies show that regular exercise can improve memory and heighten your mood. As if you needed another reason to get out and exercise, here are the ...

Great news for all our Health Store customers!

We’re making it easier for you to shop with us. We’ve partnered with Bariatric Advantage to bring you an online store. If you live out of town, or simply want the convenience of having Bariatric Advantage products delivered to your door, shop online with us. Sign up for their automatic refill program and never worry ...

Pro Tips for More Protein

When you were young, you probably heard your parents tell you to eat your meats, dairy, fish, and grains if you wanted to grow big and strong. Believe it or not, they were right. Proteins are essential to a healthy body and can help you stay fuller for longer. In addition, they can fuel your ...

Isn’t it Just Peachy?

  One of summer’s delights is biting into a fresh, ripe, sweet, juicy peach.  There is an abundance of this stone fruit available at the farmers markets It is best to buy ripe peaches since they do not ripen well after picking. Peaches bruise easily so use your whole hand to see if they are ...

Tip of the Month

  Out of sight, out of mind. A great way to avoid the tempting foods that are in your house is to put them out of sight. If they are sitting out in full view, every time you walk past the food, you may be tempted to eat. Put problematic foods in the back of ...

Effects of Walking on Health

We encourage both our bariatric surgery and lifestyle clientele to incorporate regular exercise into their weekly routines, but where is a good place to start? If getting a gym membership seems daunting and running is a bit too taxing for you, it’s a great idea to start walking. Numerous studies have been conducted that show ...

Celebrate Culinarians Day

  Culinarians are experts in the art and science of cooking and serving food but it is also a special day for anyone who cooks. That means just about all of us get to celebrate this day. You don’t have to be a chef, a graduate of a culinary institute, or a great cook to ...

Recipe of the Month

  Oven Roasted Cherry Tomatoes with Basil and Whitefish This is an easy recipe with two of summer’s best fresh foods, tomatoes and basil. If you are a novice cook, this recipe is a good one to improve your fish preparation skills. Click here for the recipe.