At Western Bariatric Institute, we have designed our weight loss programs to fit the needs of all patients, because we understand how important this surgery is. Nevada has some of the lowest prices in the United States for weight loss surgery, and specifically, for self-pay sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Out-of-State Weight Loss Patients Western Bariatric Institute ...
Oven Roasted Cherry Tomatoes with Basil and Whitefish This is an easy recipe with two of summer’s best fresh foods, tomatoes and basil. If you are a novice cook, this recipe is a good one to improve your fish preparation skills. Click here for the recipe.
We are fortunate to live in an area with beautiful parks and many opportunities for outdoor activity. Make a plan to visit your favorite park or check out a new one. Meet friends for a picnic, practice yoga, play ball, go swimming, or take a walk. Remember to take along your water bottle! And while ...
A gastrectomy is a medical procedure performed at a bariatric institute where all or parts of your stomach are surgically removed. A gastrectomy is typically performed due to stomach cancers or other medical implications, such as obesity. At Western Bariatric Institute, more than 4,000 successful vertical sleeve, Lap-Band, and Roux-en-Y gastrectomy procedures have been performed. ...
Shake the salt habit. Did you know the average American consumes more than 3,400 mg of sodium daily? That’s a little more than 1.5 teaspoons of salt! The recommendation from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is less than 2,300 mg a day. For persons who are age 51 and older, African American, or ...
As we’ve discussed in previous posts, making the decision to undergo weight loss surgery should be thoroughly planned and thought through. The surgery that will be chosen for you is based completely on you – on your risks, your weight, your habits, and your lifestyle. At Western Bariatric Institute, we are highly experienced in multidisciplinary ...
Our Monday night support group is on hiatus for the summer effective May 22nd. Please attend one of our other Reno support groups: 2nd Thursday of the month at 12 PM, WBI classroom, 645 N. Arlington, Suite 525. 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM, Renown South Meadows, dining room off the main lobby. ...
As so many of us are! There are so many benefits that come from turning your life around and making the decision to lose weight, but it’s entire lifestyle change that can be difficult to get used to. Weight loss is a difficult process, but it is far from impossible. Obesity related conditions and medications ...
Broiled Portobello Mushrooms Many high-end restaurants have grilled Portobello mushrooms on the menu, and now you can make them at home. Mushrooms have no fat and are low in calories and sodium. Serve this as a side dish as part of your vegetables with the meal. Click here for the recipe.