
Celebrate Popcorn Day

Today is National Popcorn Day.  Popcorn can be a healthy, whole-grain snack and part of your daily meal plan. Choose low-fat microwave popcorn, or better yet, buy the 100 calorie snack bags to control your portion size. If you prefer to use an air popper, you can spray the popcorn with butter flavored spray and ...

Soups On!

January is National Soup Month. Did you know that eating a cup of broth based soup can help you eat less at your meal? If you have not had weight loss surgery, this simple technique can help you cut your calories at mealtime and help you feel fuller longer. Researchers at Penn State conducted studies ...

Tip of the Month

  “Clean out the pantry.” The holidays are over and there may be extra or leftover foods still in your kitchen. This is the perfect time to clean out your pantry, cupboards, and refrigerator of those foods which are not part of your healthy eating plan. And while you’re in there, check the expiration dates ...

Shake It Off

The holidays aren’t quite over but you may be over the eating and festivities. An easy and effective way to deal with the last few holiday meals and parties before the new year, or to get yourself back on track, is to drink meal replacement shakes for two meals a day. Be sure to use ...

December’s Tasty Tuesday

  Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce                      Overcooked, dry chicken is difficult to eat. The best way to prevent problems with chicken is to not overcook it.. Pounding out the chicken breast to equal thickness will ensure that the meat is cooked evenly, not underdone on one end and overdone on the other. And to be ...

Holiday Hours

  Western Bariatric Institute and Health Store will be closed on the following dates for the holidays. Closing early at 3 PM on Friday, December 9th. Closed Friday, December 23rd and Monday, December 26th. Closed Monday, January 2nd.

Recipe of the Month

  Spicy Almonds This easy recipe is a hit at parties or just for healthy snacking. Be sure to keep an eye on the portion size. Nuts are a heart healthy food but are a higher calorie food because of their high fat content. Click here for the recipe.