Mark your calendars for a special support meeting on Wednesday, September 28th at 6PM with guest speaker Jason Schmidt from Bariatric Advantage. Jason will bring us up to date with the latest information in bariatric nutrition. Join us in the Mack Auditorium in Renown Main Hospital. The event is free and registration is not required.
Golden Zucchini Coins Zucchini is plentiful in the summer and can be prepared many ways. And with only a few ingredients your shopping is done in a jiffy. Click here for the recipe.
Over two years ago in July 2014, program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill, committed to do a weekly challenge for a year to improve their health and lifestyle. Vicki and Bill decided to tackle a variety of challenges to eat better, eat and live more mindfully, and improve physical health and emotional well-being ...
Beef & Cheddar Sauté This one skillet dish is a cinch to make. If you prefer, you can use ground turkey in place of ground beef. Click here for the recipe.
Watermelon deserves its own day so celebrate National Watermelon Day. Summer’s favorite fruit is over 90% water which makes it refreshing plus helps you meet your fluid needs. With only 43 calories a cup, it’s a low calorie dessert. Did you know that watermelon is a member of the same family as cucumbers, squash, and ...
Pick a ripe watermelon. Ripe, red watermelon is sweet and refreshing, but a semi ripe and pale melon is a taste bud disappointment. To pick a ripe watermelon, use these three tips to choose the best. Look for one that is beginning to lose its gloss. Look for the ground spot, the part of ...
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US. More than 2 million people are diagnosed annually with the different types of skin cancer. You can protect yourself by wearing cover up clothing and staying in the shade. But if you are in the sun be sure to wear sunscreen. Sunscreen tips: Purchase ...
Taco Salad with Avocado Dressing Make this quick and easy taco salad with herbs and spices from your cupboard rather than the high sodium packaged taco seasoning. The dressing is fresh and so no preservatives are added. Click here for Taco Salad.
Kibosh grazing. Put an end to the day-long picking, or drive-by snacking, that stands in the way of your weight loss and frequently leads to weight regain. It’s easy to eat too many calories without eating too much at one time when you eat every hour. A bite of this or that, a couple ...
Fresh Spinach Day is our opportunity to put healthy dark green leafy vegetables into our diet. Spinach is high in the phytonutrient luetin, that helps protects the eyes and reduce inflammation. It’s also a good source of iron, vitamins A and C, and fiber. Fresh spinach has more nutritional value than cooked. If you do cook ...