May celebrates more than Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. It’s also celebrated as Recommitment Month. Although it’s not legally recognized, it is an opportunity for us to take a look what is going on in our lives. This is the time to look at those health and wellness goals you set for yourself in January. ...
A couple of months ago I posted a blog about my trip down my career memory lane. I was cleaning out files and found handouts I developed in the ‘80’s and early 90’s. Many of them are still relevant today and I shared one of them, Noncompliance Excuses, in that post. My next treasure I ...
Lemony Thymed Leeks Leeks are a member of the onion family and play the star in this recipe rather than a supporting role as in most recipes. This side dish pairs well with broiled or grilled fish or roasted chicken. Click here for the recipe.
Get into a sleep routine. A lack of sleep may be linked to hypertension, heart disease, lower immunity, and weight gain. One thing you can do to help get more sleep is to have a bedtime routine including some relaxation time, without the TV, and going to sleep and getting up at the same ...
In July 2014 program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill, committed to do a weekly challenge for a year to improve their health and lifestyle. Vicki and Bill decided to tackle a variety of challenges to eat better, eat and live more mindfully, and improve physical health and emotional well-being because there is always ...
Sponsored by United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO), World Health Day focuses upon a different health theme each year on April 7. It is an international event to emphasize and work on important health issues or problems and many countries around the world participate. This year’s theme is “Beat Diabetes.” According to WHO the disease was ...
Take the first step to a healthier life by taking part in the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day celebrated on the first Wednesday in April. Today you are encouraged to lace up your sneakers and take 30 minutes out of your day to get up and walk. Walking is low-risk and easy to start. ...
Don’t miss out on “Take a Walk in the Park Day.” With the longer days it’s an opportunity for exercise and relaxation after the work day. A walk in the park is just what the doctor ordered to help ease your stress. It’s calming and therapeutic and it helps clear your mind and re-energize you. ...
Baked Eggs and Spinach It only takes four ingredients to make this tasty egg dish that can be served for any meal. Even a novice cook can assemble the ingredients in a few minutes. Click here for the recipe.
Protect your spices. Your spice cabinet is an investment so take care of its contents by following these tips: Don’t store dried spices and herbs above the stove or on the counter next to the stove. Store them in a cool, dark place away from the heat in a tightly sealed container. Store red ...