Welcome to our healthy lifestyle challenge lead by our program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill. Because we can always do better to live a healthier lifestyle Vicki and Bill decided to work on a weekly challenge together to provide support and accountability for each other and hopefully inspire you to make healthy changes. ...
Don’t miss our guest speaker at Support Group on January 26th! Certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist and Stott Pilates Instructor Betsy Miarecki with St. Mary’s Center for Health and Fitness will presenting a seminar on functional exercises for improving health. These are exercises you can do at home to make your daily activities safer ...
Diane’s Story My name is Diane Jaramillo and I had the Roun-Y- Gastric Bypass Surgery on May 29, 2008 with my life saver Dr. Kozar. September 2007, I decided to look into Gastric Bypass Surgery, so I attended one of the free seminars, and before I knew it, I had started the process. I have ...
Welcome to our healthy lifestyle challenge lead by our program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill. Because we can always do better to live a healthier lifestyle Vicki and Bill decided to work on a weekly challenge together to provide support and accountability for each other and hopefully inspire you to make healthy changes. ...
Mariann’s Story Yes, I had Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression and hypo thyroid. I was so sick and tired of living in a prison- that’s how it felt like-living inside my body-never fitting into any clothes that looked halfway decent. MY GOAL was to get healthy- to live so I can ...
Welcome to our healthy lifestyle challenge lead by our program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill. Because we can always do better to live a healthier lifestyle Vicki and Bill decided to work on a weekly challenge together to provide support and accountability for each other and hopefully inspire you to make healthy changes. ...
Debbie’s Story I may be different then some of you out there because I didn’t grow up overweight. I was skinny. Staying thin just came naturally. My mother struggled with her weight but I never thought being overweight was in the cards for me. Boy was I wrong. I got married at 22 and we ...
Maintain, Don’t Gain this Holiday Season: 5 Easy Tips 1. Increase the calories you burn. Although this is a busy season, work to increase the amount of activity you do every day. This will help to thwart the added calories of office treats you couldn’t resist or the egg nog you knew you shouldn’t have ...
Welcome to our healthy lifestyle challenge lead by our program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill. Because we can always do better to live a healthier lifestyle Vicki and Bill decided to work on a weekly challenge together to provide support and accountability for each other and hopefully inspire you to make healthy changes. ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kevin Wilfon 775-834-4268 December 18, 2014 Local Community Partnership Can Help Save Lives Reno, Nev. Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union and Western Bariatric Institute (WBI) announce a collaboration that will offer local financing for the cost of surgeries not covered by health insurance. WBI is a leading weight loss surgery institute located ...