
Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, it certainly can! But of course, you can’t just only drink water. Water can be extremely healthy for weight loss, can suppress your appetite if drank before a meal, and will help you burn more calories while exercising than you would with just exercising alone. There are many factors that contribute to weight loss, ...

Am I Obese?

There are many medical conditions that are related to or worsened by obesity and these conditions are termed co-morbidities. Co-morbidities can be categorized as major, or life-threatening problems, or minor, conditions that are not life-threatening. Do you have a BMI of 35 or higher with 1-2 co-morbid conditions that you can document or a BMI of 40 ...

How Effective is Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery?

We Are One of the Nation’s FIRST Bariatric Centers of Excellence, & the FIRST in Northern Nevada Research and experience have made bariatric surgery a highly effective method to reduce excess weight. With the procedures available through Western Bariatric Institute, most patients experience improvement or complete resolution of their health co-morbidities and lose an average ...

How Long Does Pre-Op Take?

The burning question. Pre-op is a very important part of weight loss surgery and sets the tone for the lifestyle change you are about to take on. Our surgeons require that you lose 10% of your excess body weight (different from your total weight) prior to surgery and we will assist you in this effort ...

Reading a Food Label

Well, it depends heavily on what you’re eating, as always. We have a saying here, ‘Labels, labels, labels!’ It is so important to make sure you are reading the labels, but if you don’t know what is good and what is bad for you, it’s hard to read the label and know what you’re actually ...

Calorie Math: Here’s How to Count

After having bariatric surgery it is important to stick to the new plan: you’ve made the decision to change your life. You can’t make the same food and exercise choices as you did in years past before the surgery. It’s about to be a new year, make it a whole new you, that’s the only ...

Coffee and Tea Lovers: Good News!

You don’t have to give up your favorite coffee and tea drinks, they actually help you lose weight. Aside from plain water, coffee and tea are the most enjoyed drinks in the world. Both have health benefits, are a great way to reconnect with friends. But There Are Like… a Thousand Different Teas: What’s the ...

Bariatric Surgery Could Be Your Answer to Blood Pressure Medication

Weight and High Blood Pressure They’re a common pair. Obese patients are at an increased risk for developing many medical problems, including insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, hyperuricemia and gout, osteoarthritis, and of course, high bloody pressure. High Blood pressure puts you at risk for heart ...

Fun, Healthy, Breakfast Ideas

For Men and Women .. our genetic make-up plays a major role in gaining excess weight. It determines our “susceptibility” or “risk” to becoming overweight or obese. Our personalized attitudes also influence our behavior regarding what we eat and how much we engage in physical activities in our daily lives. Eating disorders and other medical ...